Eric Lengyel

Eric Lengyel is a computer game engine developer with expertise in 3D graphics, animation, physics, audio, and networking. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis and a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Virginia Tech.

He is the author of the textbook Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics (Charles River Media, 2002), and he is the editor for the Game Engine Gems series of books. He is also a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Graphics Tools and a contributor to the older Game Programming Gems series of books.

Dr. Lengyel founded Terathon Software in 2000 and is currently President and Chief Technology Officer at the company, where he heads up programming for the C4 Engine. He has previously worked in the advanced technology group at Naughty Dog, and before that was the lead programmer for the fifth installment of Sierra's popular RPG adventure series Quest for Glory.

Eric Lengyel is originally from Reynoldsburg, Ohio, but now lives in Roseville, California. Eric is a cousin of current Ohioan and "Evolution of Dance" creator Judson Laipply.


Eric Lengyel is credited on the following games:

External links